Thursday 22 January 2015


One day, a boy was walking in a wood. He was got 10 years old and he´s name was Superboy.

He was walking to the pool because he saw very beautiful fish and butterflies. While he was walking, he heard something. He went to see where the sound came from and he saw a girl.

She was 9 years old and she was crying. Her name was Sofia. The Superboy asked her why she was crying. She answered it was because she lost her crown. Superboy looked down and he looked into the pool. He dived into the water and he pick up the crown. Finally he gave the crown to the girl.

Sofia hugged Superboy and then she kissed him.

Suddenly there was a very loud noise:


Superboy changed into a horse. 

And the girl, who was very calm, took the horse and went home.

                                  THE END

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