Friday 21 February 2014


Once upon a time there was a man called Michael.
He was 35 years old and he lived in England.
One day he got out of bed at six o'clock  in the morning.
It was very early but he had to go to work.
He had a bad morning!
First he fell over his schoolbag. And then, when he put on the shirt, a button was missing.
So he got a needle and thread from the kitchen.
After that, he bump into the table. "Ouch", he said. Later, he sewed on the button and he pricked his finger.
So he got a plaster from the bathroom in order to stop bleeding. When he went into the kitchen, he fell over a chair. It hurted, so he shouted.
Definitely he had a bad morning, so he decided not to go to work and stay in bed.

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